
Who I am

Ted Anderson


I am a qualified civil engineer and have 25 years’ experience delivering three waters infrastructure for local councils in New Zealand.

Water is an intriguing physical force that presents challenges for us all – there’s either too much or too little, it’s in the wrong location or the quality isn’t ideal. Having grown up watching my father deliver water and wastewater to impoverished South African communities, I am passionate about finding solutions to water supply, treatment and disposal issues.

My enquiring mind and vast industry experience enables me to solve challenges efficiently and collaboratively. My qualifications and extensive background have not only allowed me to serve three terms on the board of Water New Zealand but have also provided me with opportunities to offer technical advice in regions spanning South Africa, Australia, and Asia.

Leadership is my natural strength and I enjoy bringing people together to manage stakeholder engagement, financial performance and delivery. I understand the constraints of working within local government and am flexible, responsive and unhampered by the expectations of others. Partnering with clients to find affordable, pragmatic and trustworthy solutions is my sole focus.

I also hold a Master of Business Studies (Management), have run over 100 marathons and represented NewZealand at international powerlifting championships. I have the drive to achieve whatever is required and thrive on challenges. Nothing is too difficult.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Ted Anderson.



Project Management

The opportunity to achieve the best outcome is always greatest at the start of a project.I can help manage risk, save money and find sustainable solutions by getting involved at the outset. I will work collaboratively to address your unique challenges and can either be hands on, or lead and mentor your own team members. If your project is already underway but not going to plan, I can troubleshoot and get things back on track for you.

Over the past 25 years I have planned, consented and designed dozens of key water, transport and community facility projects across the Bay of Plenty and Waikato, including New Zealand’s largest wastewater to land disposal system in Taupo. My experience and knowledge will ensure your next project is delivered as seamlessly as possible.



I provide sound advice and expert opinion to help inform local government water strategies, policy and direction. I give clients a range of ideas and options, highlighting potential risks and benefits associated with each one. Seeking professional advice and strategising issues ultimately leads to better decision making and strong environmental and financial outcomes.

Throughout my career I have participated in resource consent hearings and have helped local councils to prepare submissions to central Government when required. I can also perform business process analysis to help ensure your team delivers within a defined scope and timeframe.


Peer Review

Having a fresh set of eyes look over your proposed project design and plan can save a lot of money in the long run. I can provide an independent peer review to critique and offer ideas and solutions from a pragmatic standpoint.

While working in local government, I was often asked to peer review plans from neighbouring councils to reinforce good ideas and highlight risks which may not have been considered. I enjoy contributing my skills and knowledge to help improve water infrastructure both nationally and internationally.


Concept Validation

Having confidence that your plan or design will achieve your desired outcome is imperative in any project. I provide a professional ‘sounding board’ to test your ideas and see what is feasible. Sometimes risks are underestimated or misunderstood – there could be a mitigation strategy available which you may not have considered.

I always strive to understand what people want and need, then work in partnership to guide clients in the right direction. Infrastructure projects can be contentious so choosing the best option and approach at the beginning will smooth the way forward.


Risk Assessment

Risk should always be front of mind so you can effectively mitigate the consequences. This includes health and safety, financial, environmental, reputational and political risk. The early planning phase of water and wastewater treatment plants for example, is the best time to address many risk factors by designing a safe and sustainable operating environment.

My approach is to work in depth alongside clients to canvas everyone’s views and achieve buy in from all stakeholders. Connecting and collaborating is the only way to fully identify risk and successfully minimise the potential for loss or harm. I also use a range of best practice methods including benchmarking, inspections, risk accounting, data analysis and insights to inform your risk assessment.


Community & Stakeholder Engagement

Effective and meaningful engagement takes patience and the ability to truly listen.Talking with people – rather than to them – is key. It’s also important not to go into consultation with preconceived ideas. Gaining resource consent for a project can be a time consuming process but a slow and deliberate approach to community consultation will often achieve the best result.

I have experience in providing different levels of engagement depending on what’s required and the level of public interest. Often small tweaks to a design based on feedback can be achieved without compromising the overall product or project.


Infrastructure Optimisation

Getting value for money and building assets in the right place, at the right time, is vital for local government organisations. New infrastructure isn’t always necessary – technology continues to evolve which can allow upgrades to occur and meet user needs. In other instances, it’s better to provide additional capacity ahead of when it’s required.

Having previously developed 50-year infrastructure plans for three waters across the Western Bay of Plenty, I have first-hand experience in balancing growth pressures with available funding and resources to find optimal solutions. I work closely with other industry professionals and can help find the best option for your circumstances.


Mentoring & Team Support

I offer professional development opportunities and support for individuals who are either excelling or struggling within your organisation. By sharpening their skills, furthering their knowledge and inspiring them to do their best work, I can help people navigate whatever career challenges they face both now and into the future.

I have mentored many talented people who have developed into highly-respected award-winning professionals. Having the right support and guidance available can make all the difference when making key decisions in life, and gives people confidence to do their job well.