Potable Water
Drinking Water

Taupō Water Treatment Plant, Lake Terrace, Taupō

Taupō Water Treatment Plant, Lake Terrace, Taupō


Like an iceberg, the external beauty of the water treatment plant hides from the public the vast and technically advanced treatment process that occurs within the facility.


Taupō District Council


Risk assessment
Infrastructure optimisation
Project management
Stakeholder engagement
Resource consents





Thanks to a state-of-the-art ultrafiltration water treatment plant, Taupō residents and visitors now have access to an extremely high quality drinking water.

For this public facing project aesthetics were a significant consideration. Negotiations with Tūwharetoa were also critical, with iwi agreeing that Council could build the new treatment plant on the bed of lake Taupō, carefully abutting the cliff.

The roof of the new water treatment building blends in with the environment and doubles as a lake viewing platform linking into the lake walkway systems. Water from the treatment process post filtration and pre-chlorination is accessible via drinking fountains for public consumption.

Careful consideration was given to how staff and contractors would access the facility given it’s busy road location and high foot traffic, as well as discreet ways to deliver and store the required water treatment chemicals.

Full automation of the plant ensures absolute consistency as well as giving staff the ability to monitor and control operation within the entire Taupō water supply network.


The new ultrafiltration plant was commissioned in 2013 and prior to this project being completed the Taupo township received “treated” water with high levels of arsenic as well as running the risk of algae bloom over summer putting all drinking water at risk. The ultrafiltration process has resolved both risks.